How To Stay Sane While Planning for Your Wedding!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

I'm On The Huffington Post!

Although it’s been a while since I blogged here, I have been busy writing.  One of my goals for this year was to have a posting published on The Huffington Post and I’m thrilled to say that this month I became a blogger in the Weddings Section!


I recently met with a couple to finalize their ceremony.  When I asked how they were doing, Meredith, the bride, sighed, “Well, we’re not as happy as when we first met you.  We’re just so tired of dealing with people––we want it to be over!”

You don’t need me to tell you that planning a wedding is a wild, wacky emotional roller coaster ride.  But here’s the thing about emotions.  Emotions can either allow us to react to people and situations in a healthy way OR they can trip us up and cause us to sabotage our relationships and plans. 

What we “think” influences what we “feel.”

Emotions that prevent us from acting in a way that is in our own best interest are grounded in some very irrational thoughts—lies––we play so often in our heads that we simply accept them as true, even though they’re not.    

There are two common “lies” couples tell themselves while stressing with wedding planning.  Buy into them and your emotions quickly get out of whack.