How To Stay Sane While Planning for Your Wedding!

Friday, April 11, 2014

More Responses to "Marriage Is. . ."

Here are some more answers I received from my 2013 couples, when I asked them to finish the phrase, “Marriage is. . .” 

What about you – how do you finish the phrase, “Marriage is. . .”?
If you’d like, you can post your answers to my Facebook page:

Also, photos in this post are not of the couples whose quotes are included – I just like these photos!

Marriage is knowing you could live without the other, 
you are your own person, 
but it's about appreciating and enjoying 
just how much better life is with the other.

Marriage is a promise to continue building and strengthening 
the best kind of friendship.
It's a promise to keep learning about each other, 
from each other and for each other.
It's a promise to both challenge and support each other through all 
the ups, downs and flat roads of life.
It's a promise to let go of fear together and let life and love take over.

These words come straight from the heart, and though we’ve only been married for 9 months, I can tell you they ring true for us so far. With the exception of our wedding, 2013 has been a bit of a challenge. Dave’s company lost a major client soon after our honeymoon, which caused him to be on reduced income through the end of the year, and as of January 1, he’s officially full-time on the market. He’s working hard every day to find new opportunities, but it’s tough out there and it’s taking time. Needless to say, it’s given us a lot to deal with in this first year of marriage. But I’m happy to report we’re talking, laughing and loving our way through it all. We know it’s just a blip on our radar, a story we will tell someday, a part of our journey - and we’re just so glad we’re in it together, as a couple and as best friends, supporting each other and growing into our next chapter together.  We’ve learned a lot about what “marriage is” from this year and we’re looking forward to all the things we have yet to learn.

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