How To Stay Sane While Planning for Your Wedding!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

How Well Do You Know Your Partner?

When I first meet with couples, they presume that they’re interviewing me.  And they are.  However, what they don’t realize is that I’m also interviewing them!  I’m looking and listening for that “click,” that moment where I get who they are as a couple; where I get a glimpse into why they’re doing what they’re doing.

Sometimes, though, by the end of our meeting, I’m puzzled.  I don’t quite understand them as a “couple.”  And that’s okay as it would be remarkable if I did “get” every couple. 

The following is a quiz of sorts, adapted from relationship guru, John Gottman: How well do you know your partner? 

Here’s the thing, though: if there are more questions you can’t answer than you can answer, then THE big question is––why are you marrying someone you don’t know well?!

·      Who are your partner's two closest friends?

·      What is the most challenging stress your partner is wrestling with?

·      What are the two things that easily irritate your partner?  Hopefully you’re not one of them!

·      What is your partner's life dream?

·      How many credit cards does your partner have and how much debt is on those cards?

·      What is your partner’s most legitimate fear about marrying you?

·      How does your partner respect you?

·      Why does your partner want to marry you?

·      What aspect of your partner’s parents’ marriage does s/he not want to repeat?

·      Who is your partner’s role model for married life?