How To Stay Sane While Planning for Your Wedding!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Common Sense Of Being Kind

I recently reunited with a couple whose wedding I officiated fifteen years ago. They look older but their spirits are as I remember them. Open, inquisitive, yet clearly defined in their ongoing aspirations. Jack Daniels joined us at the table and story begat story. It was a magical night.

As I was leaving, Frank suddenly asked me: “do you know why Renee and I are still in love?” Various answers came to mind, but I simply said, “no, why are you still in love?” He said: “we’re kind to each other.”

So simple.

He explained how they don’t ever want to lose sight that they are each other’s partner and best friend--not punching bag or dumping ground for the day’s irritations.

So simple. So deep in the heart of what makes a relationship “work.”

And this is especially true while planning for your wedding. In case you haven’t noticed, it’s exhausting work. Often times it is frustrating and irritating work.

That’s why it’s essential that you be kind to each other. This is your wedding. You plan together. You muddle through the details and the weirdness of it all—together. Remember--you are not the “enemy!”

Be kind to each other. . .

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