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Friday, December 5, 2014

One Word That Describes Your Partner Is – ??

“Mr. Fleiss said that he has a French aunt who settled upon a word that best describes JoJo (his wife): ‘chaleur.’
‘It means having the quality of warmth,’ he said.
‘Imagine a snowy evening in the mountains, you see a log cabin with
a fire roaring — a feeling of home, of warmth and heart.
For me, that’s what JoJo is.’”

Yet another quote I picked-up from somewhere and have no record of where.  But I love the image the unknown Mr. Fleiss paints of his wife.  Intimate and desperately romantic.

What about you, what word best describes your partner?  How do you want us to imagine your partner?  Do they know this is how you think of them?

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